Friday, March 5, 2010

Dream Theater is highly addictive! You should be able to buy it at drugstores! Godamn it!

First, I've listened to Scenes From a Memory, and wasn't able to listen to anything else for months! Some time later, I got their last album, the one they're gonna do the tour here in Brazil, Black Clouds & Silver Linings... GODAMN IT, it happened again!!!

But, as if it wasn't enough to be addicted on two DT albums, I did the stupidity of listening to Images & Words, from 92... It's the third time I've fully listened to this album, only today! I woke up, listened to DT, went to work, listened to DT, went to class, listened to DT, came back home, listened to DT, and now I can't go to sleep, because I'm listening to DT!!!!!!!

I need some help. I mean it.